Wynd Prototype and Usability Script

Elena Wa
3 min readMar 9, 2021


For our prototype, we focused on 4 key task flows, which can also be walked-through here.

  1. Onboarding

Onboarding consists of numerous questions the user can fill out about their sleep environment and habits. It first asks for some permissions and notifications then asks the user questions like “What has been your average sleep quality this past week?” to “What do you usually do to wind down?”

2. Overactive Wynding Down

Our second task flow begins by sending the user a notification that they are too active given their bedtime. The screen shows their current heart rate and a suggestion to do a wind-down activity.

3. Bedtime Wynding Down

This task flow can be accessed by the user manually just by opening the app, but probably most commonly through a notification as well. The app leads the user through either a wind down activity or a bedtime routine (up to the user), with check-ins along the way.

4. Resync App Settings

Finally, our last taskflow is to resync and calibrate the app in case the user wants to make any changes to their sleep environment/behavior settings. The survey itself is the exact same as the onboarding, however, the notification and intro to the task is slightly different. (The recalibrate button below leads to the onboarding task flow screens)

Usability Test

For our usability test, we follow our Usability Script, initially introducing ourselves and the class and giving out some basic instructions. We then ask a few simple questions about their current sleep habits and if they have trouble sleeping. For the tasks, we ask them to first go through the onboarding process, then receiving an “overactive” notification, then the wynd down process right before bedtime, and finally, the resync. At the end of our session, we make sure to leave time for follow-up or clarification questions, and if there were any difficulties or points of confusion at any moment of the tasks.

Next Steps

We are very excited to test our Figma prototype next, but first, we have to recruit target users. Since we are based on an Apple Watch, we will likely look for people who have some experience with it and are also motivated to change their sleep behavior.

